Melburners Inc
Serving the Victorian Burning Man community
Melburners Inc
Logo, branding, web design, event flyers, social media
Brand designer, graphic designer, web designer
4 weeks / ongoing
Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Figma
A vibrant and expressive burner community
Melburners Inc is an association created to support the Victorian burner community and is part of the Burning Man Regional Network. I developed the logo and branding guidelines, applying these to the website, event flyers and social media posts.
The suggestion of flame without being the core focus was an important nod to Burning Man, while recognising the broader ways in which Melburners interacts with the community. A unique yet simple logo was necessary for the wide array of its application, and likewise, the branding is bold yet flexible in acknowledgement of the many ways it would be used by the community.